Privacy & Cookie Statement

In our privacy and cookie statement, we use a number of definitions. These definitions can be used in singular and plural form. The following definitions are used:

Cookie: a small data file that is placed on your computer or the IP address of your computer through a website that registers information about your visit to the Textcase website.
Privacy law: Personal Data Protection Act (from 25 May 2018: the General Data Protection Regulation).

1. Overview of the Regulations

Textcase needs to comply with regulations when processing the data you provide to us. The Privacy Law is meant to protect the privacy of individuals. This law limits how your personal data can be used by others. On the basis of this law, Textcase is obliged to:

  • let our customers know how and for what purpose their data is processed by Textcase;
  • inform our customers about who has access to the data;
  • ask our customers for permission to process certain data.

Your privacy is very important to Textcase. So, Textcase is pleased to provide you with an explanation of what we do with your data, for what purposes this data is used and for which data Textcase must explicitly ask your permission to process, according to the current regulations.

2. The personal data Textcase collects and what we use it for

Textcase (may) processes your personal data when you become or are a customer of Textcase, when you visit our website, register to receive our newsletters, or contact us with the contact form. Textcase collects your name, phone number, and email address. We may ask you for your address details. This data makes it possible for us to:

  • financially and administratively deal with the service agreement that customers enter into with Textcase;
  • deliver our services;
  • reach customers or interested people if necessary;
  • further develop/optimize our services;
  • offer you personalized information (direct marketing).

IP addresses/cookies

Textcase retains the (anonymized) IP addresses of (potential) customers that visit the website. This data enables us to:

  • register which websites/internet pages you visit;
  • improve the functionality and contents of our website;
  • record which subjects or applications (potential) customers are interested in;
  • make sure you don’t receive repetitive information;
  • improve our product range.

3. Explanation of cookie placement

When you visit our website, cookies are automatically stored on your computer so that we can collect certain information on the basis of an anonymized IP address. For example, this can include information about how often you visit our website and which topics you’re interested in.

What are cookies?

We use cookies on our website. A cookie is a small, simple data file that is sent along with pages from our website [and/or Flash applications] and is stored on the hard drive of your computer by your browser. The information stored in it can then be sent back to our servers during your next visit to our website.

Functional cookies

With the help of a functional cookie, we are able to recognize or ‘remember’ you during a repeat visit to our website. This way our website can be configured to function according to your preferences. Also, when you’ve given our website permission to place cookies, we can remember this information by using a cookie. This way, you won’t need to reconfigure your preferences every time you visit our website, saving time and making it easier for you to use our website. Functional cookies can be removed in your browser settings.

Analytical cookies

Analytical cookies are used so that we know which parts of the website you’ve viewed during your visit. This way, we can adjust our service or services to the internet behavior of our visitors as much as possible. These cookies are removed automatically when you close your web browser.

Google Analytics

We use the ‘Analytics’ service offered by the U.S. company, Google. This means that Google places a cookie through our website. This way, we can record and receive reports about how visitors use our website. Google can provide this information to third parties if Google is legally required to do so or insofar as third parties process the information on behalf of Google. We do not have any influence over this. We don’t allow Google to use the acquired information for any other Google services.

Google anonymizes the collected information as much as possible. Your IP address isn’t shared. The information is transferred and stored by Google on servers in the United States. Google states that it complies with the Privacy Shield principles and is affiliated with the Privacy Shield program of the U.S. Department of Commerce. This means that there is an appropriate level of protection in place for the processing of any personal data.

4. Right of access to and correction or removal of your data

You have the right to ask for access to or correction of or removal of your data. Our contact details can be found on our contact page. We may ask you to identify yourself. We do this to prevent misuse. When you want to have access to personal data connected to a cookie, we ask that you to send a copy of the relative cookie along with your request. You can find these in your browser settings.

5. Enabling, disabling, and removing cookies

More information about enabling, disabling and removing cookies can be found in your browser instructions and/or by using the ‘help’ function of your browser. There are several different types of cookies. Textcase needs your permission to store these cookies on your hard drive. Textcase is given this permission if you consent when we ask for your permission the first time (during your first visit to our website). You can withdraw your permission for the placement of these cookies by changing the settings in your browser.

6. Would you like more information about Cookies?

On the following websites, you can find more information about cookies:
Your Online Choices: ‘A guide to online behavioral advertising
Consumer association: ‘What are cookies?’ (In Dutch)
Consumer association: ‘What are cookies for?’ (In Dutch)
Consumer association: ‘Removal of cookies’ (In Dutch)

7. Disclosure of personal data to third parties

Textcase doesn’t give any personal data to people or companies outside of Textcase, unless:

  • it is mandatory because of a legal regulation;
  • it is necessary to perform a service the customer purchases from Textcase;
  • you have explicitly given us permission to do so.

8. Obligations / secured access / confidentiality / retention period

Textcase only processes your personal data in compliance with the law. This means (among other things) that your data is only processed for the purposes for which it is collected and in an appropriate and careful way, in compliance with the law and these regulations.

Your personal data can only be accessed by Textcase employees, unless these regulations state otherwise. Textcase secures all of your personal data against unauthorized access. The following security measures are in place:

  • a personal password is required for every employee to log into the digital system;
  • Textcase employees have a confidentiality obligation with regard to all personal data provided to Textcase;
  • Textcase has taken technical measures in compliance with the law to secure the system they use against external breaches;
  • Your personal data is retained no longer than is necessary for a good administration.

Textcase may retain your data for a period of seven years after the final purchase/order/invoice, after which the data is destroyed. The law may prescribe a different retention period. In that case, Textcase will comply with the prescribed legal retention period.

9. Your rights as an individual

  • right to information: the right to know whether and which personal data of yours is processed and for what purpose;
  • right of access: the right of access to your data and to receive a copy of that data insofar as the privacy of someone else is not violated by this action;
  • the right to correction, addition or removal of data when necessary (right to correction and removal). The right to ask for a (partial) removal of your data can only be met when the retention of the data is not of significant importance to another person and the data is not required to be retained for legal reasons;
  • the right to object: the right to object against the processing of your data in certain cases;
  • the right to data portability: the right to receive your personal data that is being stored in order to transfer it to another organization;
  • the right to human intervention in automated decisions. The right for a decision to be made through human intervention applies to an automated decision.

If you would like to exercise your rights, you can let us know by sending an email to If your request is denied, a full explanation will be given. One possible reason would be that your file contains information that is or could be of importance to others. You will receive a reply from Textcase within one month after we have received your request. If you have a complaint about the way in which your personal data is processed, you are also welcome to contact Textcase. Textcase will try to work with you in order to find a solution. Do you have any (other) remarks/questions/suggestions or would you like to object to any direct marketing by Textcase? You can also contact us in written form about these issues.

Be assured that Textcase will handle any personal data provided relative to this in a confidential and secure way.

Privacy regulations and Cookie statement, revision of 22 May 2018



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Textcase asks your permission for placing cookies. Your privacy is very important to us. Please read our <a href="/privacy-cookie-statement/">privacy and cookie statement</a> for information regarding how we protect your privacy and what types of cookies we place. More information

The cookie settings on this website are set to "allow cookies" to give you the best browsing experience possible. If you continue to use this website without changing your cookie settings or you click "Accept" below then you are consenting to this.
