Since the outbreak of COVID-19, many children, young people, and adults across the globe  have been participating in digital education using tools such as meeting aps, video lessons, live-streaming and other forms of e-learning. Even now that brick-and-mortar schools are opening again, digital education is still an increasingly popular topic. Many educational institutions, especially when it comes to higher education, are now transitioning and digital lessons are becoming part of the standard curriculum. Of course, this reduces the number of contact hours, minimising the risk of contagion. While that solves a practical problem, the next challenge for schools and universities is organising education and learning modules in such a way that they create an enriching and effective learning experience for all students.


Forms of digital education

As mentioned above, digital education can be offered in various forms. The most common are video lessons, interactive e-learning, or a combination of the two. It is important to promote interaction so that students are not only watching something, but also actively participating in the lesson. Combining e-learning tools to encourage participation means that students will benefit from a more effective learning experience.

Modern technology offers many opportunities for digitising education. Remote learning allows students and teachers to be involved in education in a safe and effective way. As education – mainly higher education – is increasingly becoming internationally oriented, Textcase has seen a surge in requests from educational institutions for lecture subtitles. Subtitling lecture material enables universities and colleges to continue to offer lectures for international students while maintaining a high-quality learning experience. Utrecht University is one of the institutions with which we’ve collaborated to provide our subtitling services.


Subtitling and translation are different disciplines

If you’re looking for a translation agency that can subtitle your visual material, Textcase can be a great partner. Textcase offers clear advantages:

  • we have competitive rates;
  • we deliver a ready-to-use subtitled file;
  • we always guarantee the quality of our work;
  • we deliver fast;
  • we can also translate the website on which the materials are published if needed.


These are just some of the reasons we’re the logical choice for so many of our clients, and why they continue to come back to us for translation and subtitling services.

In the nearly 50 years that we’ve been providing translation and subtitling services, we’ve built up a global network of professionals. That’s why Textcase is able to find the perfect specialist for every job, regardless of the target language.

Within the field of translation, subtitling is a separate discipline that requires special skills. After all, the text has to be precisely synchronised with the visual (both in terms of time and emphasis). By using specific software and experienced subtitlers, we’re able to deliver a ready-to-use subtitled video file.

Our subtitling service costs are based on the duration of the material. You can always request a free quotation in advance by sending us the file. You’ll receive an overview of the total costs within two hours of your request, and we’ll give you an indication of the delivery time.


Click here to request a free quotation.


Subtitles by native speakers

At Textcase, all translation and subtitling projects are carried out exclusively by native speakers of the target language. This ensures accurate translations and subtitles that take local culture and customs into account. Of course, every translation and subtitling project will be carefully reviewed by a proofreader.


Delivery times for subtitling projects

Our goal is to keep the delivery time for subtitling or translation projects as short as possible. Thanks to our extensive team of translators, proofreaders, and subtitlers, we can easily meet tight deadlines. Our quotations will indicate when you can expect to receive the completed file for your subtitling and/or translation project. Please let us know if you have a specific deadline and we’ll look into the possibilities. Is it an urgent job? You’ve also come to the right place!

Do you work at a university or high school and would your organisation like to take a step forward when it comes to digitalising education? Do you want to upgrade your video lessons and offer your students the best possible learning experience from home, in various languages? Don’t hesitate to get in touch with Textcase. We’re happy to help you with subtitling your digital lessons and other educational material.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions. Would you like to request a free quotation? Please fill in the form and we’ll get in touch with you.


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